What is the SVFI?
Born from a pressing need for greater film opportunities in the San Francisco Bay Area, the Silicon Valley Film Institute (SVFI) is an ambitious proposal poised to establish itself as the leading film institute in Northern California. Envisioned as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, SVFI will provide vital film services to the broader Bay Area community. The institute plans to develop a dedicated campus designed to deliver diverse experiences tailored to individuals of all ages and skill levels. Central to its mission, SVFI will educate and inspire through its SMP model.
Vertigo (1958) Dir. Alfred Hitchcock.
Burbank Theater 1951. photo courtesy of the Preservation Action Council of San Jose
Operating year-round, the Silicon Valley Film Institute will feature two distinct theaters: a large, state-of-the-art one-screen theater and a smaller, more intimate digital theater. The large theater will serve as the heart of the institute, offering a continuous "Film School" experience through an eclectic and ever-changing lineup of classic films, soon-to-be classics, and occasional first-run features. Equipped with cutting-edge technology and traditional 35mm, 16mm, and 70mm projectors, this space will celebrate the art and craft of filmmaking in all its forms. The smaller digital-only theater will provide a more communal and interactive experience. It will serve as a platform for a rotating group of student curators, offering hands-on programming opportunities currently unavailable in the region. This theater's curated screening series will often align with themes explored in the institute’s exhibitions, programs, and ongoing events, fostering a deeper connection between film and audience
Advert from The Philadelphia Exhibitor 1936
A museum is vital to our mission, offering diverse experiences while bolstering the local economy through the creation of new job opportunities. It will showcase exhibitions on film history, celebrate local filmmakers, and provide interactive experiences that immerse visitors in the cinematic world. The museum aims to stand apart from previous film museums by featuring a permanent installation dedicated to the San Francisco Bay Area's significant yet often underappreciated contributions to global film culture. In addition, the museum is committed to leveraging digital technologies in innovative and accessible ways, creating a distinctive and engaging presence within the museum landscape. Rotating exhibitions will further enrich the visitor experience, exploring a wide range of cinematic concepts through modern museological practices.
Steve McQueen on set of Bullitt (1968)
With the distinct goal of equipping the next generation of filmmakers with unparalleled hands-on experience, the production department at SVFI offers a wide range of courses, research, and development opportunities that cover all aspects of production. From the creative process to distribution, legal matters, and advertising, production at SVFI is all-encompassing. Through competitions, feedback, and scholarship opportunities, SVFI invests in the future generation, preparing them for a bright future in the film industry and beyond.